Renaissance offers customizable dental, vision, life and disability plans for every size group.

Voluntary Benefits: a Win-Win for You and Your Employees

Did you know employers may get more attractive group rates for dental, vision, life and disability insurance than an individual employee can find? In addition, employers can offer ancillary benefits on a voluntary basis, where part or all of their employees’ insurance premiums come out of their paychecks.

Voluntary benefits are attractive to employees because they are easy to access, easy to use and may be less expensive. And, some employees may not even be aware they can get certain types of insurance, unless it is offered by their employer.

Download our free resources to find out more about how voluntary benefits can have a positive impact on your company’s bottom line.

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Discover 4 Employee Benefit Offerings to Help You Attract and Retain Top Talent

Boost Employee Wellness with Ancillary Benefits
Dental, Vision, Life and Disability Insurance

At Renaissance, it is our mission to make the insurance process easy and efficient for you and your employees. Whether your group has 10 employees or 100, we work hard to exceed expectations in everything we do for a better overall experience.

  1. National Association of Dental Plans. Consumer Survey: Dental Health & Benefits, 2017.
  3.; Council for Disability Awareness, America’s Income Protection Picture, 2014